Vladimir Lipovetski

"It is a practically unknown story of human solidarity. By bringing the real details to light the author has proven himself to be a journalist, archive researcher and world traveller of boundless energy. It is written with enthusiasm and is as enthralling as a real psycho-thriller, but one without any traces of fiction or false pathos. This is one of those rare books able to influence our world view."
Albert Plutnik, Editor in Chief of the "Red Cross"
newspaper in Moscow

"I think Lipovetski's work on the book "Unbelievable Odyssey" is an act of civil heroism"
Georgy Arbatov, Honorary Director of the US-Canadian Institute RAN

"... if in the future mankind were to set up a museum and fill the rooms with the most important souvenirs as testimony to the fact that, despite all of the outrages of evil and hostility, in all of the world’s dark nights, mankind was able to keep the flame of good burning, of brotherhood and of creative energy. This book would be found in the book section next to the Diary of Anne Frank ... ."
Aleksei Simonov, director and screenwriter, President of the Glasnost Defence Foundation
